You are loved. You are accepted. You are worthy. You are brave, and you CAN have your baby and your dreams too! At Embrace Grace you will meet other single & pregnant friends, find an amazing support system that will celebrate you & your baby, and even receive a beautiful free baby shower!

Put your pro-life passion into Pro-Love action! There are so many ways to get involved and help love on the mamas and the babies. You can start an Embrace Grace Support Group, host a Share the Love Event, Volunteer at HQ or locally, adopt an Embrace Grace Mama for her Baby Shower, and so much more!


You are loved. You are accepted. You are worthy.

You are brave, and you CAN have your baby and your dreams too!

At Embrace Grace you will meet other single & pregnant friends, find an amazing support system that will celebrate you & your baby, and even receive a beautiful free baby shower!


Put your pro-life passion into Pro-Love action! There are so many ways to get involved and help love on the mamas and the babies! You can start an Embrace Grace Support Group, host a Share the Love Event, Volunteer at HQ or locally, adopt an Embrace Grace Mama for her Baby Shower, Donate, and so much more!